Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Organization 101: Contain the Chaos

Hello Everyone!

I apologize for the delay with the blog posts recently.  I've been quite busy lately trying to clean, organize, run errands, etc...You all know how that is!  It seems as though this time of the year we all get even more bogged down with all of the tasks due to the holidays.  This year, my fiance and I are going to host Thanksgiving for my side of the family at our place.  We are both looking forward to it as it will be extra special being our first Thanksgiving together.  While I absolutely love this time of year, it can be quite chaotic and even overwhelming with all of the little details and "to do's" we take on when we decide to host a holiday gathering.  As a matter of fact, my "To Do" list seems to grow longer and longer the closer we get to Turkey Day.  Makes me realize how important it is to get organized this time of year or what I like to call, "contain the chaos". 

It's actually quite a simple principle.  We all have those places in our homes that are prone to collecting clutter and making some areas look like a complete disaster.  What better way to keep the clutter in check than getting organized with containers.   By having a designated container for a designated area, you provide a "home" for items that would otherwise be strewn about it an unruly mess.  There are so many cute containers to chose from too.  You can get some cute designer boxes to store your stash of bills or spend very little with some plastic bins from the local dollar store.  Have fun with it.  Regardless of the containers you select, the main goal is to get organized and reduce the mess.  So let's get started!  Below I have included some before & after photos from areas around my house that tend to collect clutter on a regular basis.  It's amazing how one little container can do wonders for an otherwise messy area.


BEFORE                                                       AFTER


    BEFORE                                                       AFTER


    BEFORE                                                       AFTER

So, what are you waiting for?  Containing the chaos only takes a matter of seconds.  It is minimal effort with a big payoff.  Out of site, out of mind is what I always say.  When we contain the chaos we are able to focus on more important things like spending quality time with our loved ones and enjoying the holidays instead of dreading them. 

Until next time, happy organizing!

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